quality care. convenience. new beginnings.

Call Us Now 317-581-1013
450 E 96TH ST, SUITE 500, INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240
Services are by appointment only. The time for your appointment is reserved exclusively for you and can not be given to someone else, so please be sure to inquire about our cancellation policy when scheduling your initial appointment.
If you are a first time caller you may call our primary number (317-581-1013) and speak directly with our office manager, or leave her a message and she will return your call as soon as possible. If you leave a message on our voicemail system, please be sure to provide your name and state your phone number slowly or twice to make sure we can return your call. If you were referred to a specific counselor, your request will be honored and the therapist will be notified immediately to contact you for scheduling an appointment.
What to expect on your first visit ...
We request that you arrive at our office 10 minutes prior to your appointment so that you may complete a new patient information form which will be available to you in our reception room. Upon your arrival please make yourself comfortable and complete the questionnaire. At your scheduled appointment time your therapist will come to the reception area to greet you. During the beginning of your first session your therapist will briefly review the new patient form to make sure we have all information required for our records. You will also be asked if you have any questions regarding confidentiality or our cancellation policy. If you do not have any questions, you can proceed with the purpose of your visit which is to allow your therapist to get to know you and to answer any questions you may not have already asked about the counseling process.
Emergency consultations ...
If you are experiencing a crisis and urgently need to contact your therapist, please call our primary phone line (317-581-1013). Our office manager answers our phones seven days a week from 9am to 9pm. If you reach our voicemail system, leave your name, phone number(s) and a message. Then, as much as possible, keep your phone line open unless you have a call-waiting feature. (Please note that it may take longer to contact you when your telephone line is in use.) If you do not receive a call back within a reasonable period of time (it takes longer to respond if your therapist is in session with another patient) dial again and leave another message, stating the nature of your emergency and, for clarity, state your phone number more than once. Please know that we will respond as quickly as possible. Calls after 9pm and before 9am or weekend consultations are charged at a slightly higher rate than regular therapy sessions.
Non-emergency or administrative calls ...
If you are calling to speak with your therapist, or would like to reschedule an appointment, dial their direct voicemail phone number. Please state your name, your phone number [twice] and the nature of your call. Your counselor will respond to you as soon as possible.
With much regret, appointment cancellations are not official until you speak with your therapist directly. He or she should return your call within a few hours. If you do not hear back from your therapist within that time, assume that they did not receive the message and call again.
Any administrative communications over 5 minutes is charged as a consultation call.